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Dogs in Cars

出版社 Jack Russell
ページ数 145ページ

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Secure Ventilation for dogs in parked cars from Ventlock
The Ventlock Cooling Fan This high performance 2-speed portable cage fan provides cooling air wherever you want it at the touch of a button. It provides up to 100 ...
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What Our Laws Say About Dogs in Hot Cars | HuffPost
Just a few minutes in a hot vehicle can harm or kill your pet. On hot days, the temperature inside a vehicle heats up to over 160 degrees in minutes ...
Just Six Minutes
It only takes 6 minutes for a dog to die in a hot car. Dogs die in hot cars in just 6 minutes Do not leave your dog in a vehicle. Pets can overheat even
Meet Porter. The World's First Driving Dog. - YouTube
Dogs this smart deserve a home. Every year, the SPCA need to find homes for thousands of dogs just like Porter -- dogs who have been abused, abandoned, or ...
Pet owners warned over unrestrained dogs in cars | Wales ...
Read the latest Wales stories, Pet owners warned over unrestrained dogs in cars on ITV News, videos, stories and all the latest Wales news
25 Totally Weird Cars From All Over The World
Weird cars from all over the world, including ridiculous banana cars, upside down buses, a Mercedes covered in diamonds and the world's first flying car.
cars that are good for dogs - The Telegraph
28 Feb 2017, 6:19pm Gallery: Nissan X-Trail 4Dogs – the concept car optimised for canine passengers
High-tech collar aims to prevent dogs dying in hot cars
A new high-tech collar aims to help prevent dogs dying in hot cars. The “Dog Caller” collar sends the owner an SMS if the dog’s temperature exceeds a safe level ...

Dogs in Cars