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The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts From the Earliest Times

F. J. Byrne
出版社 Timothy O'Neill
ページ数 197ページ

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Irish Calligraphy and Irish Manuscripts
The Irish Hand Scribes and their Manuscripts from the Earliest Times
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the ...
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the Earliest Times to the Seventeenth Century With an Exemplar of Irish Scripts
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the ...
Start by marking “The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the Earliest Times” as Want to Read:
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts From the ...
The first is an anthology of high-quality full-page color photographic plates of the thirty most celebrated Irish manuscripts, with a commentary analyzing the contents and history of each manuscript and with notes on their scripts and the scribes. The second part examines the historical evolution of Irish script (the Irish hand), tracing that tradition to our own time.
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the ...
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the Earliest Times. Timothy O’Neill. Cork: Cork University Press, 2014. xii þ 136 pp. €39.
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the ...
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the Earliest Times. Timothy O’Neill. Cork: Cork University Press, 2014. xii + 136 pp. €39.
The Irish hand: scribes and their manuscripts from the ...
The Irish hand: scribes and their manuscripts from the earliest times Published in Book Reviews, Reviews, Volume 23, Volume 3. TIMOTHY O’NEILL
The Irish hand : scribes and their manuscripts from the ...
The Irish hand : scribes and their manuscripts from the earliest times. [Timothy O'Neill; Keough Naughton Notre Dame Centre (Dublin, Ireland),] -- "The Irish Hand presents an illustrated anthology and exemplar of Irish calligraphy over ten centuries.
The Irish Hand : Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the ...
The Irish Hand by Timothy O'Neill, 9781782050926, ... Scribes and Their Manuscripts from the Earliest Times. ... The Irish Hand covers 1,500 years of Irish script ...
The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts From the ...
The Irish Hand presents an illustrated anthology and exemplar of Irish calligraphy over ten centuries. It has been substantially revised since the first editio…

The Irish Hand: Scribes and Their Manuscripts From the Earliest Times